Saturday, December 27, 2008

Once a year post...reallly?

Merry Christmas!
I honestly can't believe it's been a whole year since my last post! That really shocked me! I guess I've been so entertained by Miss Addison that I wasn't thinking! Oops...ha,ha!

Since my last post, Addison has changed so much it's unbelievable! She started crawling all over the place at the beginning of January and also got her first tooth a few days later! I was wondering if she was ever going to get any teeth! She also started waving "bye-bye" that week. Talk about jumping milestones in one leap!

In March of this year, I started planning Addison's First birthday party. It was hard to find just the right decorations but I found them in the nick of time. The colors were pink, magenta and lavender. We ordered cupcakes that were airbrushed with the colors and I baked Addison's birthday cake (a tradition in my family) - white cake with chocolate frosting! Yummy!

I was also excited when I found a cute birthday dress for her and Grandma Rita and Grandpa Jack found a plastic wall mural at the party store that went perfectly with the decor! We also had special M&M's printed up for the favors that read "Happy B-day" on one color and "Addi Paddi" on the other color.

Right around the time I was planning all the festivities, Addison decided it was time to start walking!! She had been "table walking" for a while and we knew it was coming soon! One night she decided to let go of the table and take two steps to Daddy and I! We were so excited and you could tell Addi was so proud of herself. After that, she was off like a bandit and has been running ever since!

Ever since her first birthday Addi has been changing and growing so much! She started talking and can say quite a few words now...Momma, Daddy, Mom-Mom, Shaka (which sounds like "gah-kah"), Please, Thank you, Halloween, & No! are just a few of them. She likes to show us things too, when we dont understand what she wants. She really likes to go bye-bye and each time Grandpa picks her up she's waving toward the front door. She has him pegged already!! :)

For Halloween this year Addi went as Tinkerbell. She was so cute! She really liked wearing her wings and we liked them because they lit up! It made it easier to spot her! We didnt take her out trick-or-treating this year because she was having so much fun helping Grandma Rita pass out the candy to the other kids. By the time she was done with that, it started pouring rain! Oh well, we always have next year!

For Christmas this year, we decided it was time for her to start sleeping in a "big-girl" bed, so we gave her a toddler bed with Disney Princess bedding. So far she only likes to put her babies to bed in it, although she did take a nap in it yesterday. (okay, she was alseep and then I put her in it...hee,hee) We want to take it slowly since she is used to sleeping with Momma (I know, I know! Bad Momma!). Hopefully once she gets used to it, she will sleep in there at night.

Next week Addison goes in for a check up and has to get shots, which I'm not looking forward to (I'm sure she wouldn't be either if she knew what was going to happen). There are 4 of them and I hope she takes them well. She's a trooper though. She's been sick just a few times this year, and we've had one trip to the ER (eek!) when she cut her finger and each time she's hardly been a bugger.

Overall, she's a good kid. Our little booga. She makes life worth living.

Addi's Mama

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Okay, so my attempt to keep up with this journal fell by the wayside. Let's face it - we all knew it would! That being said, I have four months of baby stuff to tell you!

On August 16th (my birthday) we took Addison to get her shots. She did wonderfully! We originally decided to move to Yuba City the day after so she could have time to rest, but as each hour passed I knew it was going to be harder and harder to leave. The nail in the coffin was saying goodbye to our next door neighbors and their boys...okay, I'll be honest, it was saying goodbye to Dawson. He's 4 years of cuteness and that little boy holds a piece of my heart. He's such a love. He also didnt understand why I was moving. (talk about a heart breaker!) As his mom and I explained it to him, I felt the tears welling up. There were so many good people we were leaving and it was hitting home. We pulled out of the driveway at about 8pm and thankfully I was so upset I forgot to look back.

The trip was a LONG one - which included a stop somewhere in Tracy (at least I think it was Tracy...) because Addison was crying hysterically and I had a migraine. We stopped for about an hour and then we hit the road again. As we pulled into the driveway in Yuba City, all I could think about was going to bed! After unloading the vehicles we were home.

My babies, Addison and Shaka, have adjusted well to the move. Shaka enjoys looking out the front window and running up and down the hallway! Hopefully she doesn't miss the stairs too much. ;) As for Addison, she's a little too young to understand what's going on.

Speaking of Addison, I suppose I should update you on her progress! After all, the name of this blog is Life With Addison Kay! Jason and I have had so much fun watching all the changes she's made over the past four months! It's like we have a completely different little girl! For starters, she is eating solid foods without much trouble! She can't have anything with apple's in it, poor thing gets horrible stomach aches from them. But, she loves everything else from peas all the way to peach cobbler! She is also sitting up on her own! She loves to sit in the living room and play on her blanket with all her toys surrounding her. She's also started attempting to crawl (just in the past 3 days)! Unfortunately, she's picked reverse as her favorite gear though! It's so cute to watch her scoot backwards! I have no doubt that she will figure it out soon, and start going forward!

Another part about Addison that we enjoy is her love for people! She gets so excited when she's out in public and is all smiles when she see's new people! Especially when they stop and talk to her, she always rewards them with an ear to ear toothless grin! I hope she continues this all through her life! We're still waiting for her to recieve her first tooth, hopefully that will happen for her soon! It's so hard for Jason and I to watch her struggle with sore gums and have nothing to show for it in the end!
Jason and I are very excited for Christmas to come this year since we will be able to watch it through our daughters eyes. I can't wait to see what she thinks of all the toys she's going to receive! Knowing our girl, she's going to have more fun with the paper wrap! Ha!

Til then,

Addi's Mama

Monday, August 6, 2007

Another milestone...


I know, I's been too long since my last post. I do have an excuse though. Since I blogged last, I resigned from my job and started packing for our move up North. We've been travelling back and forth every weekend and that leaves very little time for me to post!

Addison has been growing and changing so much lately. Last Friday night as we were getting ready for bed I passed her "bankie" (i.e. her tag blanket) to her and she fully laughed out loud! I was excited because Jason was there to witness it and we were both beaming with excitement! I was able to get her to chuckle a few more times, but haven't been able to do it again since that night. I know, with time, she'll do it again and I cant wait!

And, now for the milestone...she had cereal for the first time tonight! I've been debating whether or not I should give it to her this early. Everything I've read says to start them at 4 months but as I talked to most of the mothers I know, it seemed that no one waits that long. After talking to a friend today (Sarabara) I decided I'd try Addi on the cereal just once and see if she's ready for it. So we sat her in her Bumbo (and I picked up a tray for it today! score!) and mixed her first bowl of cereal and fed it to her. She loved it! We're going to watch to see if there are any reactions but so far she seems okay!

Until next time,

Addi's Mama

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Just chillin in her Bumbo...

I'd seen these small seats before, and wondered if Addison was ready for one of them. The seat is designed for infants 3 months and up, but she's been holding her head up more and more and I thought it might help her build the strength in her neck. (Obviously, reclining in her bouncer isn't helping her do that). So with a couple hours of down time yesterday, Addi's Daddy and I went to get her a "Bumbo" chair. She seems to like it...meaning, she didnt scream when we first put her in it! She's been in the chair a couple of times since yesterday and is still a little wobbly, but I think it was a good purchase!

Addi's Mama

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A few more pics!

Daddy's Little Sparkler.

Hi Everyone!

Happy 4th of July! Today is Addison's first 4th and it's hard to believe that we're not in YC celebrating as we do every year. Since the holiday fell on a Wedsnesday, it really put the kabosh on plans for fireworks this year. At least next year Addi will be old enough to enjoy all the hard work Daddy puts into his firework display! We can't wait!

Since fireworks are illegal here in SJ (and since the weather is supposed be 90+ degrees), we plan on keeping close to the house today. I'm sure Addison wouldn't have it any other way, as she has been enjoying her new tummy time play mat, and has been telling us all kinds of stories! She is also very close to completely turning over! She manages to get herself on her side, but her arm is usually in the way and it stops her from going all the way over. I bet she'll get the hang of it any day now. Her Dad and I watch with amazement and are so proud of her! She sure does keep us entertained!

But, for right now it's nap time...and Mama needs to run and get some chores done!

We hope all of you have a happy and safe 4th of July!!


Addi's Mama & Daddy

Monday, July 2, 2007

As she sleeps...

When Addison was first born I wanted to keep a daily journal of her life. I wanted to have a record of when she laughed, cried, and everything in between. So I went out and bought a beautiful leather diary and my favorite pens to write with ( I thought it would help give me incentive to write every day). Little did I know, my incentive wouldn't be the problem! This sweet new bundle of joy takes up ALL of my time! (I know, I know...all the Mom's out there are chuckling right now.) Needless to say, I have one entry in that journal and my daughter is two & a half months old! So, now that I'm on her schedule, I've been trying to think of ways I could still keep record of her milestones (at least), and her daily life (at best). I'm hoping this blog will help me with that. One good thing about it is - I can include pictures!!!

Wish me luck,

Addi's Mama